Recent Trip Update

I wanted to update you on our recent travel to Nicaragua and the situation in LCR. As you probably already know, 24 of 26 volunteers canceled their trip to Nicaragua because of the unstable situation in Nicaragua. Denise and I were able to travel and, with some difficulty, we were able to finally get transportation north to LCR. The worst situation was having long delays because of blockades put on the highways in route to our destination. Although frustrating, we never felt in danger. Upon arriving in LCR and at the community center we were pleased to see all the activity that had been going on at the center despite the turmoil in the rest of the country.

In the meantime, the country is facing a humanitarian crisis and many jobs were lost as businesses and tourism left the country. This is had a profound effect on LCR economically as well. The canceled Chari-Tour trip also hurt our efforts in several ways:

  1. Because of the cancellations we were not able to deliver approximately 30 fifty-pound bags of materials and supplies that are still sitting here in the USA.
  2. We also lost a major source of funding for WCRF that comes from the Chari-Tour contributions. We usually raise approximately $3000-$4000 from the Chari-Tour.
  3. We have three college interns that are on hold for travel to Nicaragua this summer. The other two that were there in May did go home early.

I have been in contact with our key people in LCR almost on a daily basis. We have decided that the best course of action we should follow at this time is to implement our Food Assistance Program:

  1. We are getting ready to purchase basic food items in bulk to sell at cost at the community center. We have been told this will be a great help to the community, which needs access to cheap basic food items such as rice, beans, oil, flower and sugar.
  2. We also will be setting up some emergency food packets which the Community Council can give to those families in their represented areas that are approaching malnourishment because of lack of resources.

Please donate to our cause in any way you can! See our “Donate” page on our website. Thank you!