Nicole Johansen

Nicole nurturing a few of the local kids.

Nicole has been a huge supporter for our work in Nicaragua over the past several years. She has made several trips to La Calle Real with her teenage children (Jeremy and Glory) on past ChariTours, participating in various programs, projects, and hygiene kit distribution. Besides being a big part of our overall effort she has spearheaded many projects on her own. Nicole’s husband, Ryan, has been a great support to Nicole in her many trips to Nicaragua. A few of those projects have been:
-Building of the community center outdoor oven
-Sponsorship and training of businesses for young women
-Water filter distribution
-Days for Girls

Interview with Nicole Johansen:

Nicole Johansen is not unlike many of the volunteers who travel to Nicaragua and support WWCRF. In her own words:

“I wanted to bring my children to La Calle Real and open their eyes to what life is like outside of the bubble of their own protected world. I wanted them to gain an appreciation for the greatness of their own life.”

The trips with her children to La Calle proved to be important life lessons—far beyond anything that Nicole envisioned.

“My children’s lives have changed as a result of this experience! They now understand how fulfilling service to others can be.”

Nicole’s 14 year old daughter came out of her adolescent shell as she prepared for and taught a group of La Calle mothers how to support themselves as manicurists and beauticians.

“My daughter, Glory, surprised me as she matured before my own eyes, teaching these women skills that provided hope of supporting their families. One woman, Gabriella, now makes $60/month US thanks to Glory’s efforts. This is enough money in Nicaragua to maintain a household.

WWCRF not only helps those in need in Nicaragua, but also fulfills our volunteers with lasting, unexpected, and unmeasurable rewards as a result of their unselfish service.

Nicole has been a tireless worker in supporting the families of LCR as well as many other projects dedicated to serving others.

Nicole’s pedicure class

Pedicure class

Jeremy leading one of the secondary school classes

Nicole with Days for Girls

Nicole with community group

Glory working with special needs kids

Nicole and her son distributing hygiene kits

Nicole arranging for new brick oven to be constructed