Youth Council Leadership Training

There is an active youth council that meets on a weekly basis to address community concerns and provide youth in the community with opportunities–educationally, professionally, socially, emotionally, etc. Right now they are focusing on bi-monthly activities at the community center to create identity and unity with youth age kids in La Calle Real. As a council they have been attending leadership training workshops in Leon, and plan to continue to do that monthly. Their last training was on how to work as a group. In time, we hope to increase their role in the community, as they provide insights resolving problems in all aspects of community development.

Program Update: 

They are still meeting together, but community youth activities have slowed down because of some of the events in the country. They now have a mentor who helps facilitate and coordinate various activities. One thing they have started is teaching a course on how to look and find employment. There are a handful of those from the community council taking the course and some are beginning to put their skills to work by applying for a call center job in the city of Leon.