La Calle Real Clean Water Project

In an effort to test water sources and educate the community on clean water techniques, Worldwide Child Relief has joined Bright Water Foundation to support the community to promote clean drinkable water for their families. This will also promote and enhance better community health. Below are the basic steps to initiate this program: 1.    A group

Education Committee Grant Program

In order to help the local schools fun special project projects,the Education Committee meets monthly to discuss projects and ideas that will benefit the students. In Nicaraguan public schools there  normally is no budget for basic school supplies, equipment, and other materials. The education committee is made up of principles, two teachers, one parent, and

Work for Food Program

The Work for Food program is an opportunity for very low income families to receive coupons for use in the community center store for food and clothing. The coupons are earned for doing community center projects or other projects in the community approved by the community council. Some of the possible projects that qualified persons

Youth Council Leadership Training

There is an active youth council that meets on a weekly basis to address community concerns and provide youth in the community with opportunities–educationally, professionally, socially, emotionally, etc. Right now they are focusing on bi-monthly activities at the community center to create identity and unity with youth age kids in La Calle Real. As a

Business Start-Up Classes

This is a group that meets weekly for 12 weeks. Class which covers subjects regarding how to start or grow a small business. The weekly topics for this course include: How do I start or improve my business? What do people want to buy? How do I by my product and set the sales price?

Joint Venture Business Program

Program Updates: As of December 11, a new joint venture was started at the community center. The joint venture will be managed by Hermes Reyes. The project will consist of bringing pigs to market in Leon in the last six months. The pigs are bought at a wholesale price from local farmers and are resold

Business Development Program

Business Start-up Class One important aspect to self-reliance is the ability to provide for one’s self. We developed a buisness start-up class to help prospective business owners learn important lessons that will help them begin their buisnesses. Microfinance Program As businesses are beginning, it is always necessary to have capital to get necessary supplies. This

Charitour Trips

When traveling to Nicaragua it is such a different world than what we enjoy here. Where we go it is a world of extreme poverty where many people live without plumbing, refrigeration, and cook over a wood fire. Employment is scarce or obtained for wages at a rate of a few dollars a day. We

Library and Reading Literacy Program

Program Updates: April 2019 Library Activity in the Community Reading Sessions The Literacy and Library program has had an increase in the number of kids taking part in the reading sessions which are now held in 4 sectors of the community (we were working in three sectors, now we have included Sector Las Carrero). Our

Community Development Center

Statement of Need and Opportunity for a Community Development Center in La Calle Real, Nicaragua This building will create both a commerce and educational center that is sorely needed in this impoverished community. We hope to have the building completed and operational with training programs in place before the end of 2016. The programs and